# Movie Recommendation

# Introduction

A recommendation system is a subclass of information filtering system that provides suggestions for items that are most pertinent to a particular user. To suggest the most suitable option from a range of possibilities, these systems use algorithms. Various techniques and algorithms such as collaborative filtering, matrix factorization, and deep learning are utilized to implement a recommendation system.

This guide will demonstrate how to construct a basic recommendation system using MyScale. The process comprises several stages, including the construction of user and item vectors based on the NMF model, the insertion of datasets into MyScale, the retrieval of top K recommended items for a user, and the use of an SVD model to predict user ratings for MyScale's suggested items.

If you are more interested in exploring the capabilities of MyScale, you may skip the Building Datasets section and dive right into the Populating data to MyScale section.

You can import this dataset on the MyScale console by following the instructions provided in the Import data section for the Movie Recommendation dataset. Once imported, you can proceed directly to the Querying MyScale section to enjoy this sample application.

# Prerequisites

To begin with, certain dependencies must be installed, including clickhouse python client (opens new window), scikit-learn, and other relevant tools.

pip install -U clickhouse-connect scikit-learn

# Building Datasets

# Downloading and processing data

For this example, we will employ the small datasets at MovieLens Latest Datasets (opens new window) to provide movie recommendations. The dataset comprises 100,000 ratings applied to 9,000 movies by 600 users.

wget https://files.grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/ml-latest-small.zip
unzip ml-latest-small.zip

Let's read movie data into pandas dataframe.

import pandas as pd
# obtain movie metadata
original_movie_metadata = pd.read_csv('ml-latest-small/movies.csv')
movie_metadata = original_movie_metadata[['movieId', 'title', 'genres']]
movie_metadata['genres'] = movie_metadata['genres'].str.split('|', expand=False)
# add tmdbId to movie metadata dataframe
original_movie_links = pd.read_csv('ml-latest-small/links.csv')
movie_info = pd.merge(movie_metadata, original_movie_links, on=["movieId"])[['movieId', 'title', 'genres', 'tmdbId']]
# filter tmdb valid movies
movie_info = movie_info[movie_info['tmdbId'].notnull()]
movie_info['tmdbId'] = movie_info['tmdbId'].astype(int).astype(str)

Read rating data.

# get movie user rating info
movie_user_rating = pd.read_csv('ml-latest-small/ratings.csv')
# remove ratings of movies which don't have tmdbId
movie_user_rating = movie_user_rating[movie_user_rating['movieId'].isin(movie_info['movieId'])]
movie_user_rating = movie_user_rating[["userId", "movieId", "rating"]]

Read user data.

# get movie user rating info
movie_user_rating = pd.read_csv('ml-latest-small/ratings.csv')
# remove ratings of movies which don't have tmdbId
movie_user_rating = movie_user_rating[movie_user_rating['movieId'].isin(movie_info['movieId'])]
movie_user_rating = movie_user_rating[["userId", "movieId", "rating"]]

# Generating user and movie vectors

Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) is a matrix factorization technique that decomposes a non-negative matrix R into two non-negative matrices W and H, where R ≈ WH. NMF is a commonly used technique in recommender systems for extracting latent features from high-dimensional sparse data such as user-item interaction matrices.

In a recommendation system context, NMF can be utilized to factorize the user-item interaction matrix into two low-rank non-negative matrices: one matrix represents users' preferences for the latent features, and the other matrix represents how each item is related to these latent features. Given a user-item interaction matrix R of size m x n, we can factorize it into two non-negative matrices W and H, such that R is approximated by their product: R ≈ W * H. The factorization is achieved by minimizing the distance between R and W * H, subject to the non-negative constraints on W and H.

The W and H matrices correspond to the user vector matrix and item vector matrix, respectively, and can be used as vector indices for queries later.

Let's start with creating a user-item matrix for movie ratings first, where each row represents a user and each column represents a movie. Each cell in the matrix represents the corresponding user rating for that movie. If a user has not rated a particular movie, the cell value will be set to 0.

from sklearn.decomposition import NMF
from sklearn.preprocessing import MaxAbsScaler
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
user_indices, user_ids = pd.factorize(movie_user_rating['userId'])
item_indices, movie_ids = pd.factorize(movie_user_rating['movieId'])
rating_sparse_matrix = csr_matrix((movie_user_rating['rating'], (user_indices, item_indices)))
# normalize matrix with MaxAbsScaler
max_abs_scaler = MaxAbsScaler()
rating_sparse_matrix = max_abs_scaler.fit_transform(rating_sparse_matrix)

After building our user-item matrix, we can fit NMF model with the matrix.

# create NMF model with settings
dimension = 512
nmf_model = NMF(n_components=dimension, init='nndsvd', max_iter=500)
# rating sparse matrix decomposition with NMF
user_vectors = nmf_model.fit_transform(rating_sparse_matrix)
item_vectors = nmf_model.components_.T
error = nmf_model.reconstruction_err_
print("Reconstruction error: ", error)

Add vectors to the corresponding dataframe.

# generate user vector matrix, containing userIds and user vectors
user_vector_df = pd.DataFrame(zip(user_ids, user_vectors), columns=['userId', 'user_rating_vector']).reset_index(drop=True)
# generate movie vector matrix, containing movieIds and movie vectors
movie_rating_vector_df = pd.DataFrame(zip(movie_ids, item_vectors), columns=['movieId', 'movie_rating_vector'])

# Creating Datasets

We now have four dataframes: movie metadata, user movie ratings, user vectors and movie vectors. We will merge the relevant dataframes into a single dataframe.

user_rating_df = movie_user_rating.reset_index(drop=True)
# add movie vectors into movie metadata and remove movies without movie vector
movie_info_df = pd.merge(movie_info, movie_rating_vector_df, on=["movieId"]).reset_index(drop=True)

Persist the dataframes to Parquet files.

import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
# create table objects from the data and schema
movie_table = pa.Table.from_pandas(movie_info_df)
user_table = pa.Table.from_pandas(user_vector_df)
rating_table = pa.Table.from_pandas(user_rating_df)
# write the table to parquet files
pq.write_table(movie_table, 'movie.parquet')
pq.write_table(user_table, 'user.parquet')
pq.write_table(rating_table, 'rating.parquet')

# Populating Data to MyScale

# Loading data

To populate data to MyScale, first, we load data from the HuggingFace Dataset myscale/recommendation-examples (opens new window) created in the previous section. The following code snippet shows how to load data and transform them into panda DataFrames.

from datasets import load_dataset
movie = load_dataset("myscale/recommendation-examples", data_files="movie.parquet", split="train")
user = load_dataset("myscale/recommendation-examples", data_files="user.parquet", split="train")
rating = load_dataset("myscale/recommendation-examples", data_files="rating.parquet", split="train")
# transform datasets to panda Dataframe
movie_info_df = movie.to_pandas()
user_vector_df = user.to_pandas()
user_rating_df = rating.to_pandas()
# convert embedding vectors from np array to list
movie_info_df['movie_rating_vector'] = movie_info_df['movie_rating_vector'].apply(lambda x: x.tolist())
user_vector_df['user_rating_vector'] = user_vector_df['user_rating_vector'].apply(lambda x: x.tolist())

# Creating table

Next, we'll create tables in MyScale.

Before you begin, you will need to retrieve your cluster host, username, and password information from the MyScale console. The following code snippet creates three tables, for movie metadata, user vectors, and user movie ratings.

import clickhouse_connect
# initialize client
client = clickhouse_connect.get_client(

Create tables.

client.command("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS default.myscale_movies")
client.command("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS default.myscale_users")
client.command("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS default.myscale_ratings")
# create table for movies
CREATE TABLE default.myscale_movies
    movieId Int64,
    title String,
    genres Array(String),
    tmdbId String,
    movie_rating_vector Array(Float32),
    CONSTRAINT vector_len CHECK length(movie_rating_vector) = 512
ORDER BY movieId
# create table for user vectors
CREATE TABLE default.myscale_users
    userId Int64,
    user_rating_vector Array(Float32),
    CONSTRAINT vector_len CHECK length(user_rating_vector) = 512
# create table for user movie ratings
CREATE TABLE default.myscale_ratings
    userId Int64,
    movieId Int64,
    rating Float64

# Uploading Data

After creating the tables, we insert data loaded from the datasets into tables

client.insert("default.myscale_movies", movie_info_df.to_records(index=False).tolist(), column_names=movie_info_df.columns.tolist())
client.insert("default.myscale_users", user_vector_df.to_records(index=False).tolist(), column_names=user_vector_df.columns.tolist())
client.insert("default.myscale_ratings", user_rating_df.to_records(index=False).tolist(), column_names=user_rating_df.columns.tolist())
# check count of inserted data
print(f"movies count: {client.command('SELECT count(*) FROM default.myscale_movies')}")
print(f"users count: {client.command('SELECT count(*) FROM default.myscale_users')}")
print(f"ratings count: {client.command('SELECT count(*) FROM default.myscale_ratings')}")

# Building Index

Now, our datasets are uploaded to MyScale. We will create a vector index to accelerate vector search after inserting datasets.

We used MSTG as our vector search algorithm. For configuration details please refer to Vector Search.

The inner product is used as the distance metric here. Specifically, the inner product between the query vector(representing a user's preferences) and the item vectors(representing movie features) yields the cell values in the matrix R, which can be approximated by the product of the matrices W and H as mentioned in the section Generating user and movie vectors.

# create vector index with cosine
ALTER TABLE default.myscale_movies 
ADD VECTOR INDEX movie_rating_vector_index movie_rating_vector
TYPE MSTG('metric_type=IP')

Check index status.

 # check the status of the vector index, make sure vector index is ready with 'Built' status
get_index_status="SELECT status FROM system.vector_indices WHERE name='movie_rating_vector_index'"
print(f"index build status: {client.command(get_index_status)}")

# Querying MyScale

# Performing query for movie recommendation

Randomly selecting a user as the target user for whom we recommend movies, and obtain the user rating histogram, which exhibits the distribution of user ratings.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
random_user = client.query("SELECT * FROM default.myscale_users ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 1")
assert random_user.row_count == 1
target_user_id = random_user.first_item["userId"]
target_user_vector = random_user.first_item["user_rating_vector"]
print("currently selected user id={} for movie recommendation\n".format(target_user_id))
# user rating plot
target_user_ratings = user_rating_df.loc[user_rating_df['userId'] == target_user_id]['rating'].tolist()
bins = np.arange(1.0, 6, 0.5)
# Compute the histogram
hist, _ = np.histogram(target_user_ratings, bins=bins)
print("Distribution of ratings for user {}:".format(target_user_id))
plt.bar(bins[:-1], hist, width=0.4)
plt.title('User Rating Distribution')
for i in range(len(hist)):
    plt.text(bins[i], hist[i], str(hist[i]), ha='center', va='bottom')

A sample distribution of ratings for a user

Next, let's recommend movies for the user.

As described in Generating user and movie vectors and Building Index sections, our user and movie vectors are extracted from the NMF model, and the inner products of vectors serve as our vector distance metrics. The formula of inner product of two vectors can be simplified as follows:

More specifically, we can obtain an approximated user-rating matrix using the inner product of the user vector matrix and the movie vector matrix based on NMF model. The value of the cell located at (i, j) represents the estimated rating of user i to movie j. Therefore, the distances between user vectors and movie vectors, represented by their inner products, can be used to recommend movies to users. Higher distances correspond to higher estimated movie ratings.

However, since we normalized the rating matrix in previous sections, we still need to scale the distances to the new rating scale (0, 5).

top_k = 10
# query the database to find the top K recommende
# d movies
recommended_results = client.query(f"""
SELECT movieId, title, genres, tmdbId, distance(movie_rating_vector, {target_user_vector}) AS dist
FROM default.myscale_movies
WHERE movieId not in (
    SELECT movieId
    from default.myscale_ratings
    where userId = {target_user_id}
LIMIT {top_k}
recommended_movies = pd.DataFrame.from_records(recommended_results.named_results())
rated_score_scale = client.query(f"""
SELECT max(rating) AS max, min(rating) AS min
FROM default.myscale_ratings
WHERE userId = {target_user_id}
max_rated_score = rated_score_scale.first_row[0]
min_rated_score = rated_score_scale.first_row[1]
print("Top 10 movie recommandations with estimated ratings for user {}".format(target_user_id))
max_dist = recommended_results.first_row[4]
recommended_movies['estimated_rating'] = min_rated_score + ((max_rated_score - min_rated_score) / max_dist) * recommended_movies['dist']
recommended_movies[['movieId', 'title', 'estimated_rating', 'genres']]

Sample output

movieId title estimated_rating genres
158966 Captain Fantastic (2016) 5.000000 [Drama]
79702 Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010) 4.930944 [Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Musical, Romance]
1 Toy Story (1995) 4.199992 [Adventure, Animation, Children, Comedy, Fantasy]
8874 Shaun of the Dead (2004) 4.021980 [Comedy, Horror]
68157 Inglourious Basterds (2009) 3.808410 [Action, Drama, War]
44191 V for Vendetta (2006) 3.678385 [Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller, IMAX]
6539 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) 3.654729 [Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy]
8636 Spider-Man 2 (2004) 3.571647 [Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, IMAX]
6333 X2: X-Men United (2003) 3.458405 [Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Thriller]
8360 Shrek 2 (2004) 3.417371 [Adventure, Animation, Children, Comedy, Musical, Romance]
# count rated movies
rated_count = len(user_rating_df[user_rating_df["userId"] == target_user_id])
# query the database to find the top K recommended watched movies for user
rated_results = client.query(f"""
SELECT movieId, genres, tmdbId, dist, rating
FROM (SELECT * FROM default.myscale_ratings WHERE userId = {target_user_id}) AS ratings
    SELECT movieId, genres, tmdbId, distance(movie_rating_vector, {target_user_vector}) AS dist
    FROM default.myscale_movies
    WHERE movieId in ( SELECT movieId FROM default.myscale_ratings WHERE userId = {target_user_id} )
    ORDER BY dist DESC
    LIMIT {rated_count}
) AS movie_info
ON ratings.movieId = movie_info.movieId
WHERE rating >= (
    SELECT MIN(rating) FROM (
        SELECT least(rating) AS rating FROM default.myscale_ratings WHERE userId = {target_user_id} ORDER BY rating DESC LIMIT {top_k})
LIMIT {top_k}
print("Genres of top 10 highest-rated and recommended movies for user {}:".format(target_user_id))
rated_genres = {}
for r in rated_results.named_results():
    for tag in r['genres']:
        rated_genres[tag] = rated_genres.get(tag, 0) + 1
rated_tags = pd.DataFrame(rated_genres.items(), columns=['category', 'occurrence_in_rated_movie'])
recommended_genres = {}
for r in recommended_results.named_results():
    for tag in r['genres']:
        recommended_genres[tag] = recommended_genres.get(tag, 0) + 1
recommended_tags = pd.DataFrame(recommended_genres.items(), columns=['category', 'occurrence_in_recommended_movie'])
inner_join_tags = pd.merge(rated_tags, recommended_tags, on='category', how='inner')
inner_join_tags = inner_join_tags.sort_values('occurrence_in_rated_movie', ascending=False)

Sample output

category occurrence_in_rated_movie occurrence_in_recommended_movie
Drama 8 2
Comedy 5 5
Romance 3 2
War 2 1
Adventure 1 5

Additionally, we can retrieve the top 10 rated movies with their actual rating scores and predicted scores, to observe the similarity between the user ratings and our estimated ratings.

rated_movies = pd.DataFrame.from_records(rated_results.named_results())
print("Top 10 highest-rated movies along with their respective user scores and predicted ratings for the user {}".format(target_user_id))
max_dist = rated_results.first_row[3]
rated_movies['estimated_rating'] = min_rated_score + ((max_rated_score - min_rated_score) / max_dist) * rated_movies['dist']
rated_movies[['movieId', 'rating', 'estimated_rating', 'genres']]

Sample output

movieId rating estimated_rating genres
2324 5.0 4.999934 [Comedy, Drama, Romance, War]
90430 5.0 4.925842 [Comedy, Drama]
128620 5.0 4.925816 [Crime, Drama, Romance]
63876 5.0 4.925714 [Drama]
6807 5.0 4.925266 [Comedy]
3967 5.0 4.924646 [Drama]
3448 5.0 4.923244 [Comedy, Drama, War]
4027 5.0 4.922347 [Adventure, Comedy, Crime]
215 5.0 4.922092 [Drama, Romance]
112290 5.0 4.918183 [Drama]
Last Updated: Tue Sep 10 2024 03:19:52 GMT+0000